Janome Memory Craft 15000 Quilt Maker Accessory Upgrade Kit
Upgrade your existing Janome Memory Craft 15000 to the new Memory Craft 15000 Quilt Maker with this accessory kit.
This kit is for MC 15000 version 2.11 or any previous version. Included in the kit are several feet that will prove very useful for your creative quilting. Each foot was devised and developed with the principle of supporting your creative needs in mind.
Exciting new accessories include: USB Flash Drive with Software Update, Ruler Work Foot QR, Variable Zigzag Open-toe Foot QZ, 1/4” Seam Foot O (without guide), Darning Foot (Open-toe) PD-H, Embroidery Foot P, Professional Grade Foot HP, Professional Grade Needle Plate HP, Hook Cover for Professional Grade Needle Plate HP, Presser Foot Holder, and Installation/Usage Instructions.

This foot has been developed specifically for carrying out ruler work. Guide quilting templates along the edge of the foot to create straight, curved or repetitious patterns depending on the shape of the quilting template. The v-shaped gap in the foot enhances visibility.

An open type variable zigzag foot which makes it easy to see what you’re working on. Especially useful for detailed areas and layered stitch finishing.

Because there is no guide plate, you can sew smoothly without a guide catching on the seam allowance when piecing. The raised ¼”guideline on the left side of the needle drop position makes the foot even more convenient.

The open-toe 9 mm darning foot makes an appearance. With this foot, the needle is very easy to see when free-motion quilting.

A combination of a professional slim foot and special matching needle plate for high speed straight stitching. The foot’s compactness makes it especially suitable for curve sewing. Also good for ¼” piecing.
Click here for more information or speak to your local dealer to find out more.
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